Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar
Dictator for Life, though your life was cut short by conspiracy, you will be remembered always.
"You have done that you should be sorry for,
There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats,
For I am armed so strong in honesty
That they pass me by as idle as the wind
Which I respect not."- Brutus Act IV, Scene III

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Conspirators


Apparently, there are rumors flying ramped about the Roman empire that there are some members of the senate (who will remain nameless for the time being) that are plotting to murder Caesar in the capitol come the Ides of March. Remember the soothsayer some days ago who spoke to Great Caesar warning,"Beware the Ides of March", well it looks like there might be some kind of truth to this statement. More news coming your way soon from the capitol!

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