Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar
Dictator for Life, though your life was cut short by conspiracy, you will be remembered always.
"You have done that you should be sorry for,
There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats,
For I am armed so strong in honesty
That they pass me by as idle as the wind
Which I respect not."- Brutus Act IV, Scene III

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

New News About Conspirators!


There have been many reports that are untrue about just who the so-called "conspirators" are. Well here is a list of the senators most likely involved in this utterly frightening scandal:

Decius Brutus
Metellus Cimber
Caius Ligarius

These are all that are known for now. Rest assured, good Romans, as soon as more is known to me, more shall be known to you as well.

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